Saturday, January 16, 2010

Oprah Gail Winfrey “Sorry that God MUST remove your FREE WILL as your training MUST start now for The Battle of World War THREE- to REMOVE ALL EVIL on God’s earth “This is why your show is ENDING from your God” God NEEDS your LOVE for his children. “Why???Because the parents (EVIL) will no longer be on God’s earth-you will need to find and assign NEW parents for ALL of America’s children

For Prophet Oprah Gail Winfrey -this has always been your title from God! "The beast Satan has with you, family, and my family and other Prophets for God throughout God's earth! BEWARE!!! "The In PURE Military forces are coming to you"... God of the Jews is sending 5000 Ark- Angels for your home and for your streets! (Office will have 5000 Ark Angels) The secret is out- that you are a Prophet for God! Please send this to ALL of your contacts (world war 3 decryption) is on a 2nd page for you and ONLY for you from you're God!

Love Lord Jesus Messiah

PS. You will oversee the death camps within America along with Prophet Cooper for the EVIL lying
journalist, authors ONLY (for all the wicked Leaders on God's EARTH Israel's ZIONIST and Rabbis along with Hamas) for when they will be stoned to DEATH by God's commands! "Now you know why you have suffered for so-so LONG!"The BEAST has tried and tried to destroy you"... Yes, you HAVE money now but you have used it for LOVE and good (for God's children), we feel like shit (our bodies hurt with pain from so many years of that BEAST Satan trying to KILL us! As the Satan has given HUGE wealth to the Chinese FAT-GREEDED Leaders, Christians, APAC Jews (Zionist), Sunni Muslims and Shia's (Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and the leaders within Syria)! Well, the beast is DEAD- as God's Army Chief (Lord Jesus Messiah) is changing YOUR DNA and eyes along with having 4 Ark-Angels at ALL times. "We will NOT lose a single man and woman on God's battlefield!"You will see" You are almost at FULL power with your God changing your (DNA and eyes)I have your NEW energy sword (30 of them) that can take out ALL planes from the ground! "The Red is to them out and slice them like pies! The blue is a FULL force field that will PROTECT you from ALL incoming guided laser bombs and bullets! New energy swords for ALL of God of the Jews, Thor, Allah, Dajal, Elohim, Lord, Jehovah, Logos, Seth, Michael, Rush, Gabriel's, Jew, Mehdi's children of all 12 Tribes of Israel
Love Lord Jesus Messiah

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